The Shaman's Path. Shamanic Tradition and the Present: An Introduction to Essential Shamanism.
04.04. — 06.04.2025 17:00— 13:30 Center of spiritual practices StacijaThe Basic Workshop The Way of the Shaman® is a basic training course in core shamanism, developed over many years by Michael Harner. Core shamanism is not based on one specific ethnic tradition, but on the common principles of various shamanic traditions. M. Harner (1929-2018) is one of the most important academic researchers and practitioners of shamanism today. He has been a professor at Yale and Columbia Universities in the USA and founded the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS).
The workshop introduces universal principles and techniques of shamanism, which is humanity's oldest healing tradition.
Workshop participants are introduced to a shamanic journey that introduces them to a shamanic state of consciousness and promotes awareness of connections with nature. The classic shamanic journey accompanied by percussion instruments is one of the most well-known vision-seeking methods, which, along with dreams and myths, has been used by various traditions to study Reality.
The essential shamanic methodology is proven and safe, as evidenced by the participants of numerous workshops on all continents over the past forty years.
A theoretical and practical introduction to the basic principles, methodology and ethics of shamanism.
The shamanic journey as a basic technique of shamanism.
The shamanic state of consciousness.
Shamanic methods for seeking knowledge and healing.
The completion of this workshop entitles you to participate in advanced FSS (Foundation of Shamanic Studies) seminars.
The FSS was founded by Michael Harner in 1979 and for more than 40 years, the FSS has ensured safe, effective and modern shamanic research, as well as the development of its methodology. With full respect for traditional cultures and based on the principles of classical shamanism and Western science, FSS applies ancient principles in a way that is relevant to modern society and ethically responsible, addressing the needs of the modern era.
Target audience: people who want to get acquainted with the basic principles of shamanism.
Course leader: Rolands Urbāns (Austria), psychologist, coach and author. Works with difficult, antisocial youth on a daily basis.
He has devoted the last 25 years to academic and practical shamanic research. His main research interests are: shamanism and science, traces of shamanism in Europe, human transformation. Since 2013, R.Urbāns has been the Executive Director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe (FSS Europe).
Venue: Stacija spiritual practice center, Lūžņas village, Ventspils region,
Course fee: 423.50 (including VAT).
The price includes 6 meals and accommodation (2 nights) in single rooms.
Course schedule
17.00 Start
13.30 End
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