06.04. — 08.04.2025 17:00— 13:30 Center of spiritual practices Stacija

Using shamanic techniques to better understand death, dying and the afterlife.

From a shamanic perspective, physical death is not the end of life, but a great transition, a transformation in the best sense of the word. Coming to terms with one's own death and dying allows shamans to support other people in coping with this fundamental experience. Shamans are intermediaries between the living in everyday reality and the souls of the deceased in the non-ordinary reality. In addition, if the deceased cannot independently find a way forward and needs help, then shamans accompany these souls.

Participants in this seminar delve into shamanic cosmology. They get to know the death process from a shamanic perspective and develop an understanding of what happens to the human essence – the soul – after death. Finally, they learn what the shamanic process of death and mourning looks like in practice, how the accompanying of souls in the non-ordinary reality takes place.

The seminar “SHAMANISM, DEATH AND AFTERDEATH” practically addresses the following aspects of shamanic work:

· Research into the cosmology of shamanism

· Theoretical and practical experience of the dying process before and after death from a shamanic perspective

· Confrontation with one’s own death and dying

· Shamanic work with grief and death

· Helping deceased souls who cannot find their way forward on their own

Target audience: people who want to get acquainted with the basic principles of shamanism.

The course is led by: Rolands Urbāns (Austria), psychologist, coach and author. He works with difficult, antisocial young people on a daily basis.

He has devoted the last 25 years to academic and practical research into shamanism. His main research interests are: shamanism and science, traces of shamanism in Europe, human transformation. Since 2013, R.Urbāns has been the Executive Director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe (FSS Europe).

Venue: Stacija spiritual practice center, Lūžņas village, Ventspils region,

Course fee: 423.50 (including VAT).

The price includes 6 meals and accommodation (2 nights) in single rooms.

Course schedule


17.00 Start


13.30 End

Norises vieta: Center of spiritual practices Stacija
