Program in Latvian. Intensīvs meditācijas retrīts. Tēma: meditācija un transpersonālie fenomeni.
05.03. — 09.03.2025 18:00— 09:00 Center of spiritual practices StacijaThe source and goal of any spiritual tradition is authentic spiritual experience. Therefore, practicing spiritual practices is always transformative. It introduces a person to a new, yet unfamiliar experience, which radically changes and expands his previous worldview. In other words, meditation can cause a number of different phenomena that must be learned to distinguish, adequately evaluate, classify and integrate.
In the retreat lectures, we will look at the phenomena that meditation practitioners tend to experience, starting with bodily and emotional processes and ending with energetic, transpersonal phenomena. Inexperienced and uninformed meditation practitioners tend to overestimate some experiences (and this causes spiritual arrogance), and underestimate others (and this causes fear and confusion). That is why the ability to navigate in this area is so important.
Phenomena that tend to accompany meditation practice
Phenomena of purification and adaptation
Illusions or delusions
Phenomena of spiritual opening
Energetic phenomena
Mystical experiences
Evaluation and integration of transpersonal experiences
Retreat lectures are dedicated to these topics, but the main emphasis is on deeper mastering and cultivating meditation practice. Each full day will be devoted to meditation for 6 hours.
Course participants are encouraged to have some meditation experience.
During the retreat, participants must observe silence. The use of mobile communication devices is not allowed.
Individual conversations with the course leader are planned as part of the course.
Target audience: people who are interested in exploring and balancing their inner world.
Maximum number of participants: 20.
The course is led by Juris Rubenis and Indulis Paičs.
Venue: Spiritual Practice Center Stacija, Ventspils Region Lūžņas Village,
Course fee 750.20 EUR (including VAT 21%)
Price consists of
accommodation services 370.00 + VAT 21% = 447.70
course 250.00 + VAT 21% = 302.50
Price includes 11 meals and accommodation (4 nights) in single rooms.
Course schedule
18.00 Start
9.00 End
Norises vieta: Center of spiritual practices Stacija