Program in Latvian. Darbs ar ēnu un dvēseles ievainojumiem. Darbseminārs.
21.03. — 23.03.2025 12:00— 13:00 Center of spiritual practices StacijaHave you noticed that sometimes you act inadequately?
Do you feel threatened in complete safety? Do you defend yourself, get scared and attack completely out of place?
It seems that something suddenly takes over you, and you do what you don’t want, you act contrary to your interests or beliefs.
Yes, not only what we know lives within us, but also something incomprehensible and often frightening.
Working with the shadow means making the invisible visible, noticing what has not been noticed until now, gaining a truer understanding of the content of our psyche. What threatens us most is not what we know about ourselves, but what we don’t know.
That is why the shadow and wounds of the soul are such an important theme of life.
As we grow, develop and learn, people hurt each other. Unfortunately, all our relationships are hurtful. The most dangerous wounds are those that we consciously or, most often, unconsciously hide from ourselves.
To get a deep soul wound, you don’t necessarily have to be born into a troubled family. Such a wound doesn’t always occur as a result of a single traumatic event. It often reflects a series of painful events, a traumatic dynamic of everyday events. Even in the healthiest families, everyone suffers from at least one serious soul wound.
If we want to fully realize our abilities, we must at least partially uncover the deepest wound, get to know it and heal it. This process can turn a soul wound into the birthplace of the deepest competence. It is the wound that is often the key to why we came to this world.
Unhealed soul wounds inevitably overshadow any personal and social relationships. We create exactly the situations that we have experienced ourselves. Unconsciously, we make those around us responsible for the pain that we once experienced. This means that by not working with wounds, we become abusers.
In the seminar, we will look for an answer to the question: what to do with the wounds of the soul, so that they turn from the greatest obstacles in our lives into the greatest benefits? What can help us perceive the most difficult to notice - our shadow?
The course includes lectures, but a large part of the course will be devoted to exercises that help us better understand ourselves and mindfulness meditation.
Target audience: people open to growth.
Maximum number of participants: 20.
The course is led by Indulis Paičs and Juris Rubenis.
Venue: Spiritual Practice Center Stacija, Ventspils Municipality Lūžņas Village,
Course fee 447.70 EUR (including 21% VAT)
Price consists of
accommodation services 220.00 + 21% VAT = 266.20
course 150.00 + 21% VAT = 181.50
Price includes 7 meals and accommodation (2 nights) in single rooms.
Course schedule
12.00 Start
13.00 End
Norises vieta: Center of spiritual practices Stacija
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