Program in Latvian. Atrast savā tumsā gaismu. Manas biedējošās, izaicinošās un nepieciešamās dvēseles dzīles. Darbseminārs-retrīts sievietēm

28.02. — 02.03.2025 12:00— 13:00 Center of spiritual practices Stacija

We all often think that we know ourselves well enough. We believe that we can predict and control our actions and that nothing in us can surprise us anymore. But sooner or later, the moment comes when we do something that surprises us, arouses disgust or even fear. What announces itself in this way? What else do I carry within me?

Each of us has undiscovered secrets that break to the surface of life when some painful or unexpected event creates a crack in a well-constructed system through which aspects of the soul that have been successfully hidden until now become visible to ourselves and those around us. What is this force that has been smoldering in me and is now manifesting itself in unattractive, difficult-to-control forms? Is it possible to see and get to know it before it takes over me? Is it possible to encounter the incomprehensible within ourselves in a constructive, healing and expanding way?

In the seminar, we will talk about how to come into deeper contact with ourselves and how to dare to look inside ourselves. We have access to wonderful guides that help us discover both the universal depths of femininity and the individual abilities given to each of us. By following these guides, we gain the ability to open the curtain on the mysterious and beautiful depths of our souls, illuminate what we have kept in the dark until now, and learn to live more wholely and fully.

The course includes mindfulness meditation practice and other practical exercises.

Target audience: courageous women seeking their authenticity.

Maximum number of participants: 20 people.

The course is led by Inga Rubene.

Venue: Stacija Spiritual Practice Center, Ventspils Municipality Lūžņas Village,

Course fee 447.70 EUR (including VAT 21%)

Price consists of

accommodation services 220.00 + VAT 21% = 266.20

course 150.00 + VAT 21% = 181.50

Price includes 7 meals and accommodation (2 nights) in single rooms.

Course schedule


12.00 Start


13.30 End

Norises vieta: Center of spiritual practices Stacija