Program in Latvian. APZINĀTĪBA UN VADĪBA. 1. seminārs. Apziņa un apzinātība

13.02. — 16.02.2025 18:00— 13:30 Center of spiritual practices Stacija

The new professional development course of the Institute of Integral Education examines management topics in the context of the most important tasks and challenges of human life.

The course summarizes the findings of management sciences, psychology, consciousness research and spiritual traditions.

The course consists of nine four-day face-to-face seminars (three seminars per year), between which regular individual consultations with the course instructors are planned.

The workshop method guides participants through a sequential process that includes many practical exercises, helps to discover and transform habits, injuries and perceptions that hinder growth.

The tools of transformation are mindfulness and silence, imagination and nature, body and movement, mind and open thinking.

It is an opportunity in today's fast-paced world to systematically develop a comprehensive worldview, which is the most essential foundation for a meaningful, active and inspiring life.

A detailed course description can be found here: apzinatiba-un-vadiba

Target audience: managers of various levels; specialists who want to comprehensively deepen their skills; people who want to systematically improve their growth.

The goal of the course is to introduce participants to an effective path of personality transformation, which allows them to gain a broader vision, as well as comprehensively get to know, develop and use their full potential.

Seminar 1. Consciousness and mindfulness

A person's distinguishing mark is consciousness. What does it mean, and what are the stages of consciousness development? How to develop greater consciousness in oneself, and how to apply it in life and leadership work?


Introduction. Information about the program. Collective agreement on the work model and methods.

How to get to know yourself? How to discover your growth potential? Hard skills and soft skills.

Human consciousness and mindfulness. Ancient and modern maps of human consciousness and meaning.

Various methods of mastering mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation. K. G. Jung's insights into consciousness and the unconscious. Integral theory and integral approach. Stages of development of consciousness. Methods of expanding consciousness. Finding and strengthening the deepest "I".

The course is led by Juris Rubenis, Doctor of Theology, and Indulis Paičs, PhD candidate in Psychology.

In each seminar (in the context of the seminar topic), Latvian business leaders will share their experience.

Venue: Spiritual Practice Center Stacija, Ventspils Municipality Lūžņas village,

Maximum number of participants: 25.

Application: To apply for the course, please write a free-form motivation letter and send it to the e-mail address

The fee for each seminar is 847.00 EUR (including VAT 21%)

The price consists of

accommodation services 330.00 + VAT 21% = 399.30 EUR

course 370.00 + VAT 21% = 447.70 EUR

The price includes 9 meals and accommodation (3 nights) in single rooms.

When enrolling in the program, participants are asked to cover the costs of the first year (three seminars).

Seminar Agenda


18.00 Start


13.30 End

Norises vieta: Center of spiritual practices Stacija